Case Study #26 Q-PAC® plastic
Case Study #26 Q-PAC® plastic
What the Project Entailed
An Overview:
Three odor control scrubbers: One for removal of NH3 and two for removal of H2S. The scrubbers* are part of the sludge handling facility at the Arlington, Virginia Sewage Treatment Plant, located about one mile from the Ronald Reagan Airport, which serves the nation’s capital.Why Q-PAC
was Used
Q-PAC®was selected because its mass transfer and pressure drop were superior to the parameters established by the specified operation conditions. Q-PAC®‘s performance allowed system expandability beyond the expectations of the initial design concept, the product was priced right, and its performance was substantiated by numerous studies and real world applications. Further, Lantec’s confidence in Q-PAC® was backed by a 100% performance guarantee.
Project Scope & Requirements
To reduce H2S and NH3to an outlet level representing a removal of not less than 99.5%. Two packed bed scrubbers, one 4 ft and one 12 ft diameter, using NaOH and NaOCl, were used to remove the H2S entering at levels in excess of 20 ppm. One 7 ft diameter scrubber using H2SO4, removed NH3with entering levels in excess of 135 ppm. |
Meeting the Requirements
A report written by an independent testing company** on May 20, 1998 showed conclusively that all three scrubbers using Q-PAC®far exceeded their design requirements. At inlet loadings far higher than any actual operating condition, all scrubbers resulted in non-detect at their outlets, which means that the removal efficiencies were much greater than the 99.5% specified.
The pressure drop across the packing was also tested. The system designers concluded that the scrubbers packed with Q-PAC®could be easily operated at superficial gas velocities of 10 ft/sec (600 ft/min) or higher and still meet the pressure drop requirements and mass transfer efficiency of 99.5%. This would mean a 30-40% capacity increase in the future. |